(continued from previous page...)
Let’s get another thing straight. Buying a Freeride bike does not make you any better. Do not confuse the
built-in capabilities of equipment with your own capabilities, which must be learned.
Keeping your bike and all its components in good working order is critical, and it’s up to you to maintain
and inspect it. Even so, your sweet rig isn’t going to last forever. Nothing does, particularly bikes and parts
that are built to minimize weight and then are subjected to abuse. Cannondale frames carry a warranty, but
that’s to cover issues with workmanship and/or materials. (See the Cannondale Limited Warranty in this
manual). The warranty doesn’t mean that they’re going to last forever. They’re not. The warranty certainly
doesn’t mean that the bicycle can in any way protect you from injury.
Use of specialized Protective Gear
Cannondale has long urged the use of helmets. As riskier, extreme downhill and freeriding became part
of the sport we communicated frankly about the risks in this freeride warning. We have recently become
aware of neck braces, designed for mountain biking and motocross riding, fitted between the rider and
helmet, that can decrease the risk of paralysis, spinal cord and neck injuries. As the manufacturer clearly
states, these braces cannot prevent all injuries. We urge riders, particularly riders into challenging and risky
riding, to investigate and consider prophylactic neck braces (For example, see http://www.leatt-brace.
com/). A prophylactic neck brace might save your life or keep you out of a wheelchair.
In Conclusion
If you’re going hard-core, be smart about it. Always wear a full face helmet, state-of-the-art neck brace,
body armor, full-finger gloves, and protective clothing. Choose a bike that’s right for you, your riding and
terrain, and check it often for signs of fatigue or other trouble. (Your dealer can help you on both fronts.)
Read PART II, SECTION B. MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDING. And most importantly, know your limitations. Practice.
Stay in control, and carefully, gradually expand your limits – but ride within them.
yoU CAn Be seveRely InJURed, PARAlyZed, oR kIlled If yoU IGnoRe ThIs WARnInG.