Bicycle automobile racks are available from many different manufacturers and many different rack designs
exist. They are convenient devices to transport your bike. However, any bicycle rack has the potential to
seriously damage your bicycle. Damage can occur immediately due to some aspect of an incompatible or poor
rack design. Damage can occur after repeated mounting, and dis-mounting. Damage can also happen while
the the bike is being transported in the rack. We can’t cover all the possible ways in which a rack can cause
damage to your bike.
ReAd And folloW The RACk mAnUfACTUReR’s InsTRUCTIons BefoRe moUnTInG To yoUR BIke.
Both carbon and aluminum frames and forks can be damaged (crushed, cracked, or dented) by the clamps
and support systems of a bike rack. Both carbon and aluminum can suffer serious abrasion damage by the
movement of the bike in the rack during transport. yAll damage to your bike is very serious, that is why
you must take extra care when choosing a bike rack and when actually mounting your bike in the rack.
When moUnTInG yoUR BIke on A RACk:
■ Remove all bags, panniers, water bottles etc. To minimize wind resistance, loading, and avoid chafing
Ask your Cannondale dealer for help choosing and using a bike rack.
See the table on the following page for more rack information.
When UsInG A RACk WITh foRk dRoPoUT ClAmPs:
■ Make sure that both fork dropouts are engaged in the rack before clamping.
■ Make sure both dropouts are clamped with equal force. If only one dropout is engaged and the bike
tips over, the leverage can exert great force that may damage the dropout.
■ If your bike tips over, have the dropouts examined by a retailer.
APPendIX e.