CARe And mAInTenAnCe of CARBon fIBeR foRks & sTem
AlWAys seek PRofessIonAl seRvICe - Incorrectly installing, adjusting, servicing, or assembling the wrong
parts (handlebar stem, compression assembly, brake bolt, spacers and spacer positions) on your bicycle fork can
cause serious damage to it. Any failure in the fork, headset, handlebar stem, or compression assembly while
riding can cause you to have a serious accident. All adjustments, maintenance, and any changes must be made by
your Cannondale Dealer.
sToP RIdInG A dAmAGed foRk & sTem ImmedIATely Your fork can be seriously damaged in any crash or
impact. Damage can be concealed and requires very carefully inspection by a professional bike mechanic. A
damaged fork and/or handlebar stem can fail without warning. Go to PART II, Section D. Inspect For Safety. Read
“Understanding Composites” for information on carbon fiber
RePlACe The foRk WITh A neW one If The dRoPoUT TABs ARe mIssInG oR dAmAGed. The dropout tabs
located at the bottom of the fork dropout act as a secondary wheel retention device and can reduce the risk of the
wheel disengaging from the fork if the quick release is not correctly adjusted and closed. It is possible for the tabs
to become worn out or damaged through repeated wheel installation and removal, car rack use, etc. Do not file,
disable or remove the secondary retention devices. If they are damaged or severely worn, replace the fork.
do noT modIfy The foRk In Any WAy. Do not drill holes or install mechanical clamps.
BRAke nUT enGAGemenT The brake mount is the attachment point of the front brake. A correctly size brake
bolt (recessed allen nut) must be used to ensure adequate thread enagement ( a minimum of 5mm) with the
brake caliper mounting post. Ask your cannondale dealer to help you. obtain the correct brake nut.
do noT eXCeed The mAXImUm sTACk heIGhT (55mm) oR loCATe sPACeRs on ToP of The sTem.
mAXImUm sTACk heIGhT is a distance spacers may be stacked between the top of the head tube and the
bottom of the stem. Exceeding this distance with spacers or locating spacers on top of the handlebar stem can
place significant stress on the steerer tube. It could break.
All Cannondale carbon road forks with a carbon steerer tube must use the SI Compression Assembly - KP017/.
No star nuts, no other compression devices may be used, no exceptions. The SI compression assembly must be
assembled and installed inside the steerer tube according to the instructions. See page 95.
oldeR foRks & sTAR nUTs - Cannondale carbon forks (2001-2008) utilized the various star nut and top caps
systems. Systems in these forks should not be changed. Do not use the Si Compression Assembly in a fork
with a star nut.
Always tighten fasteners of the headset/stem system and brake with a torque wrench. Observe the
manufacturer’s torque limits and loctite (thread locking compound) recommendations for each component of the
fork, stem, brake and handlebar system. Ask your cannondale dealer to help you. Over-tightening may cause
damage and lead to fork or component failure.
For technical information and specifications, see http://www.cannondale.com
yoU CAn Be seveRely InJURed, PARAlyZed oR kIlled In An ACCIdenT If yoU IGnoRe These
(continued on next page...)
APPendIX d.