A few things to think about:
onCe A CRACks sTARTs IT CAn GRoW And GRoW fAsT.
Think about the crack as forming a pathway to failure. This means that any crack is potentially
dangerous and will only become more dangerous.
SIMPLE RULE 1: If you find crack, replace the part.
CoRRosIon sPeeds dAmAGe.
Cracks grow more quickly when they are in a corrosive environment. Think about the corrosive
solution as further weakening and extending the crack.
SIMPLE RULE 2: Clean your bike, lubricate your bike, protect your bike from salt, remove any salt
as soon as you can.
sTAIns And dIsColoRATIon CAn oCCUR neAR A CRACk.
Such staining may be a warning sign that a crack exists.
SIMPLE RULE 3: Inspect and investigate any staining to see if it is associated with a crack.
sIGnIfICAnT sCRATChes, GoUGes, denTs oR sCoRInG CReATe sTARTInG PoInTs foR
Think about the cut surface as a focal point for stress (in fact engineers call such areas “stress
risers,” areas where the stress is increased). Perhaps you have seen glass cut? Recall how the
glass was scored and then broke on the scored line.
SIMPLE RULE 4: Do not scratch, gouge or score any surface. If you do, pay frequent attention to
this area or replace the part.
some CRACks (particularly larger ones) mAy mAke CReAkInG noIse As yoU RIde.
Think about such a noise as a serious warning signal. Note that a well-maintained bicycle will be
very quiet and free of creaks and squeaks.
SIMPLE RULE 5: Investigate and find the source of any noise. It may not a be a crack, but
whatever is causing the noise should be fixed before riding.