BRAke PoWeR modUlAToRs
Your bike may be equipped with a brake modulator,
a device installed between the front brake lever and
the front brake to reduce initial front braking force.
(Brake power modulators are also used on the rear
brake of some bicycles.)
If a rider applies the front brake too strongly or too
suddenly, these devices can help reduce the risk of
locking the front wheel or throwing the rider. Once
the modulator device is bottomed out, the front
brakes have the same power, and the same risks
of overly hard use, as brakes without a modulator.
Modulators are a small help in giving a rider more of
a chance to react correctly.
Modulators are not a substitute for practicing and
learning to brake correctly. See PART I, SECTION 4.C.
A BRAke modUlAToR WIll noT PRevenT
Wheel loCk UP oR BeInG ThRoWn off
The BIke dUe To oveRly hARd oR fAsT oR
It is important that you understand modulators are
not an intelligent, sophisticated system. Modulators
ARE NOT anti-lock braking systems (ABS). Bicycle
brake modulators are not like ABS in a car. Unlike
automotive ABS there is not an intelligent system of
sensors and computer control. Unlike an ABS system
in a car you cannot just jam on the brakes and let the
system take over. There is no system to think or act
for you.
Some people, including sales people, may try to
explain brake modulators on bicycles by saying
that they are “like ABS”. This is misleading and
We urge you to ask your retailer to confirm if you
have a brake modulator on your bike. We urge you
to ask your retailer to demonstrate how it works.
We urge you to work with the front brake lever
while standing still to understand how it works. We
urge you to read any brake and brake modulator
instructions that came with your bike.
AfTeRmARkeT BRAke sysTems
do noT modIfy yoUR BIke In Any WAy To
moUnT BRAkes sysTems. mod If CATIons
CAn dAmAGe yoUR BIke leAdInG To An
ACCIdenT. yoU CAn Be seveRely InJURed oR
Choose only brakes that mount to the frame,
swingarm, or fork using only the existing disc
brake, V-brake or cantilever mounts. Do not
modify the existing mounts or clamp, weld, or
in any other way add new or different mounts.
Any modification will void the warranty and may
weaken or damage the frame. For installation
instructions and other warnings, read the
literature provided by the brake manufacturer.
When choosing replacements, please ask your
Authorized Dealer Have your bike’s brakes
installed and adjusted by a professional bike
AfTeRmARkeT PoWeR sysTems
do noT InsTAll A PoWeR sysTem (GAs oR
eleCTRIC TyPe) onTo yoUR BIke.
Your bike may not have been not designed or
intended for use with any type of aftermarket
power system.
There are many types of power systems from
many different manufacturers. We simply can’t
predict what all can go wrong by installing one.
We can say that installing an aftermarket power
system represents a MAJOR modification of your
bike. It will change the way your bike handles
and fundamentally alter its operation.
When combined with your bike, the power
system can be become dangerous to operate..
For example, the brakes may not be adequate
for higher speeds.