ABoUT shImmy
Some cyclists have experienced disturbing “shimmy”
or “vibration” at certain speeds. This symptom is
rarely reported and there is no agreement among
experts as to the cause. Among the proposed causes
of shimmy are: a loose headset, frame alignment
problems, weight of front wheel magnets for cycle
computers, and spoke tension.
Larger riders on larger frames are thought by some to
be more likely to experience such vibration.
If you experience such a vibration, gently apply the
brakes and slow down. Another suggestion is to
press your leg against the top tube as you slow down.
If yoU eXPeRIenCe “shImmy,” do noT RIde
ConTInUe To RIde yoUR BIke. TAke The
BICyCle To yoUR ReTAIleR foR InsPeCTIon,
seRvICe, oR ChAnGes.
Toe oveRlAP oR Toe
ClIP oveRlAP
What is It?
What is It? “Toe overlap” or “Toe clip overlap”
describes the toe of your shoe, your shoe attached to
a clipless pedal or your toe clip contacting the front
tire (or front fender). This may occur when a pedal
is all the way forward and the front wheel is turned
sharply to a position where the toe or toe clip can
contact the tire (or fender). If you ride with clipless
pedals, attach your riding shoes to the pedals and
check for front tire clearance. If you ride with toe
clips, check for front tire clearance.
“Toe clip overlap” is common on small frame size
bicycles. It is simple to avoid any contact with the
front tire: have the inside pedal up before beginning
a turn. As you turn to the left, the inside (left)
pedal should be positioned at twelve o’clock. As
you turn to the right, the inside (right) pedal should
be positioned at twelve o’clock. Having the inside
pedal up will prevent any toe clip-to-tire contact and
maximize cornering ground clearance. Learn to make
it your habit on any sized bike.
Whether or not you have overlap, or how much
overlap you have can be changed. Be aware that toe
clearance can be increased or decreased by changes
in crank arm length, size of pedals or toe clips used,
size of tires used, addition of fenders, size/design of
shoes worn.
figure 20.
Toe ClIP oveRlAP CoUld CAUse yoU To
lose ConTRol of yoUR BIke, fAll And Be
seRIoUsly InJURed, PARAlyZed oR kIlled.
Please consult with your retailer on the simple
steps you must follow to avoid an accident.
Insist that your retailer work with you to
determine if your own combination of bicycle,
shoe(s) and components have this common
design feature.