Mounting the wrong size tires can result in the
tires hitting the fork or frame when riding. If
this happens, you can lose control of your bike
and you can be thrown off, a moving tire can be
stopped because it touches the fork or frame.
Do not mount oversized tires, ones that rub or
hit the fork or frame, ones that result in too little
clearance, or ones that can hit the fork or frame
when the suspension is fully compressed or
when riding.
Take care that the tires you select are
compatible with your bike’s fork or frame design.
Also, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s
recommendations of your front fork and rear
When you are considering tires for your bike
The actual measured size of a tire may be
different than its sidewall marking. Each time
you mount a new tire, take the time to inspect
the actual clearance between the rotating tire
and all parts of the frame. The U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission (CPSC) requires at
least 1/16” (1.6 mm) tire clearance from any part
of the bike. Allowing for lateral rim flex and a
wheel or rim that is out-of-true will likely mean
choosing a rear tire that provides even more
clearance than the CPSC recommends.
Ask yoUR AUThoRIZed deAleR foR The
RIGhT TIRes foR yoUR BIke And ITs
yoU CAn Be seveRely InJURed, PARAlyZed
oR kIlled In An ACCIdenT If yoU IGnoRe
TIRe & RIm PRessURe
mAXImUm TIRe PRessURe mAy Be lImITed
By RIm desIGn.
1. ALWAYS check both tire sidewall and rim
pressure markings.
2. NEVER inflate tire above maximum rim
In the rapidly evolving area of disc brake specific
lightweight and carbon fiber rims, some rim
manufacturers have specified maximum tire
Of course a customer might choose any tire, and
a tire may have a maximum pressure listed on
the sidewall that is higher than the maximum
pressure listed on the rim. You must never
exceed the maximum air pressure marked on
the rim.
Excess pressure could lead to rim failure, and
an accident, with risk of serious injury, paralysis
or death. If you have any doubt or question,
contact the rim manufacturer or insist that your
Retailer contact the rim manufacturer.