10.4.25 IPAddressEth
Specifies the IP address used by the Ethernet interface. If this value is specified as "" (the
default), the data logger will use DHCP to configure the effective value for this setting as well as
Ethernet Default Gateway
Ethernet Subnet Mask
settings. This setting is
the equivalent to the
status table variable.
String data type
10.4.26 IPGateway
Specifies the IP address of the network gateway on the same subnet as the Ethernet interface. If
the value of the Ethernet IP Address setting is set to "" (the default), the data logger will
configure the effective value of this setting using DHCP. This setting is the equivalent to the
status table variable.
String data type
10.4.27 IPGatewayCSIO
These settings specify the IP addresses of the router on the subnet to which the first or second CS
I/O bridge internet interface is connected. The data logger will forward all non-local IP packets to
this address when it has no other route. If the CS I/O IP Address setting is set to a value of
"", the data logger will configure the effective value of this setting using DHCP.
String data type
10.4.28 IPMaskCSIO
These settings specify the subnet masks for the CS I/O bridge mode internet interface. If the
corresponding CS I/O Address setting is set to a value of "", the data logger will configure
the effective value of this setting using DHCP.
String data type
10.4.29 IPMaskEth
Specifies the subnet mask for the Ethernet interface. If the value of the Ethernet IP Address
setting is set to "" (the default), the data logger will configure the effective value of this
setting using DHCP.
String data type
10. Information tables and settings (advanced)