baud rate
The rate at which data is transmitted.
A signal broadcasted to other devices in a PakBus network to identify "neighbor" devices.
A beacon in a PakBus network ensures that all devices in the network are aware of other
devices that are viable.
Describes data represented by a series of zeros and ones. Also describes the state of a
switch, either being on or off.
A one-byte data type that holds eight bits (0 or 1) of information. BOOL8 uses less space
than the 32 bit BOOLEAN data type.
Name given a function, the result of which is either true or false.
boolean data type
Typically used for flags and to represent conditions or hardware that have only two states
(true or false) such as flags and control ports.
Refers to a burst of measurements. Analogous to a burst of light, a burst of meas-
urements is intense, such that it features a series of measurements in rapid succession,
and is not continuous.
Appendix A. Glossary