Network Planner
Campbell Scientific software designed to help set up datal oggers in PakBus networks so
that they can communicate with each other and the LoggerNet server. For more inform-
ation, see
National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Devices in a network — usually a PakBus network. The communications server dials
through, or communicates with, a node. Nodes are organized as a hierarchy with all
nodes accessed by the same device (parent node) entered as child nodes. A node can be
both a parent and a child.
Eight-byte data type divided up as four bytes of seconds since 1990 and four bytes of
nanoseconds into the second.
null modem
A device, usually a multi-conductor cable, which converts an RS-232 port from DCE to
DTE or from DTE to DCE.
Numeric Monitor
A digital monitor in data logger support software or in a keyboard/display.
A term, often a parameter in a CRBasic measurement instruction, that designates the y-
intercept (aka, shifting factor or zeroing factor) in a linear function. For example, when
converting °C to °F, the equation is °F = °C*1.8 + 32. The factor 32 is the offset.
Appendix A. Glossary