2. Click Add Root
3. Click ComPort, then PakBusPort (PakBus Loggers), then CR300Series.
4. Click Close.
5. In the Entire Network pane on the left side of the window, select the ComPort.
6. On the Hardware tab on the right, click the ComPort Connection list and select the
communication port assigned to the RF407-series radio.
7. In the Entire Network pane on the left side of the window, select PakBusPort.
8. On the Hardware tab on the right, select the PakBus Port Always Open check box.
If you would like to prevent the possibility of LoggerNet communicating with any
other data loggers in the network without going through the router, set the Beacon
Interval to 00 h 00 m 00s.
9. In the Entire Network pane on the left side of the window, select the router data logger
(CR300Series) from the list.
10. On the Hardware tab on the right, type the PakBus Address you assigned to the router data
logger in Device Configuration Utility.
11. Optionally, click the Rename button (
) to provide the data logger a descriptive name.
12. Apply your changes. Adding leaf data loggers to the network
1. In the LoggerNet Standard Setup view (click the Setup (
) option and click the View menu
to ensure you are in the Standard view), right-click on the router data logger in the Entire
Network pane on the left side of the window and select CR300Series.
2. With the newly added data logger selected in the Entire Network pane, set the PakBus
Address to the address that was assigned to the leaf data logger in Device Configuration
3. Click Rename. Enter a descriptive name for the data logger.
4. Apply your changes.
5. Repeat these steps for each leaf data logger in the network.
If you experience problems with network communications, see
(p. 125) for assistance.
9. Radio communications option