2019/08 - Indice de révision : D - Code : 29650
EES and EES Pro are pool water treatment devices that electrolyse salt (Sodium Chloride) dissolved in
the pool water.
The process therefore requires that solid salt is first dissolved in the pool water. The salt concentration
necessary is approximately 10 times less than that of sea water, this means that neither the perceived
taste of salt nor salt deposition will be significant.
As the water flows through the chlorinator cell, chloride ions are transformed into free chlorine at the
electrodes connected to the positive terminal of the electrical panel (the anodes). This transformation is
achieved through the circulation of a SVLV (Safety Very Low Voltage) within the cell.
The active Chlorine (a fraction of which is transformed into inactive Chlorine depending on the pH)
disinfects the pool water (kills micro-organisms).
The production of active Chlorine by salt water electrolysis causes a slow, gradual rise of the water's pH,
this must be compensated by the regular addition of a suitable quantity of acid.
Two EES (Pro) models are available:
for pools containing up to 80 m
for pools containing up to 150 m
There are two versions of each model: EES and EES Pro.
EES Pro differs from EES in that it regulates:
the concentration of free Chlorine (via the Redox potential) in the pool water, only producing Chlorine
when necessary;
the water's pH, by injecting acid into the hydraulic circuit to lower the pH when necessary.
EES regulates neither free Chlorine nor the pH. It produces Chlorine continuously as long as water is
flowing through the pipe on which it is mounted. These parameters will need to be measured regularly and
the pH will need to be adjusted when necessary.
With the acid dosing pump option installed, EES can inject acid to lower the pH but there is no precise
regulation. The acid dosing pump pump also descales the cell automatically while filtration is stopped.
The Product is installed in the pool plant house, it comprises two main components:
An electrical/ control panel that is mounted on a vertical wall at a height inaccessible to young children;
An electrolysis cell that is mounted on a by-pass loop on the hydraulic circuit after any other devices
(pump, filter, heating, etc.)
The salt water electrolysis process offers many advantages when compared to conventional chlorination
No handling or storing of dangerous, concentrated chlorinated products (salt is harmless and chemically
inert) ;
No risk of over-stabilisation of the pool water;
The process regularly produces active Chlorine, this limits the formation of foul smelling chloramines
that irritate the bather's skin and eyes: bathing is a much more pleasant experience;
The destruction of chloramines releases chlorides that can be transformed into active Chlorine in the
cell. Chlorine is regenerated, limiting the amount of salt that needs to be added over time;
The Pro model of the EES provides a comprehensive pool water pH regulation and free Chlorine regulation
The electrolysis of chlorides at the anodes is accompanied by the formation of sodium hydroxide at the
cathodes, this generates a very high pH at the cathode that can cause the deposition of limescale on the
cathodes. To limit scaling, EES and EES pro are equipped with a system that switches electrode polarity
at regular operating intervals. The duration of the polarity inversion cycle is controlled automatically by the
device, it may not be set by the user.