2019/08 - Indice de révision : D - Code : 29650
Never disconnect the temperature sensor, because in the absence of any indication, the
device will assume that the water temperature is 26.5° and produce Chlorine at 100%.
For the same reason, precautions should be taken with the sensor wire, it should also be checked for
Forcing the output on at 100% by disconnecting the sensor can lead to premature damage of
the cell electrodes
Temperature in the electrical panel is too high
If the temperature within the electrical panel is greater than 65 °C, the icon
appears. Above 70°C,
Chlorine production is limited to 50%.
Replace the acid feed tube (EES Pro only)
After installation, every 180 days the device will display the message
, recommending
replacement of the acid feed tube abd check valve.
Refer to paragraph 10.4 for the tube replacement procedure.
After replacing the tube, reset the counter as follows:
Press the button M four times
Press the arrow : the messages NEW PIPE and 180 DAYS are displayed at the bottom of the screen
The 180 days interval may be reduced in 10 day increments using the arrow keys.
Confirm reset of the counter by pressing the M button.
Pump disconnected (EES Pro only)
If the system tries to activate the pump while the pump is disconnected, the message
displayed at the bottom of the LCD screen.
Cut power to the electrical/ control panel,
open the lid of the connection terminal compartment, check the
condition of the connector contacts, the two wires coming out of the cable and the connector pins, then put
the connector back into position, taking care to push it in fully and the right way around.
Inspect the length of the pump cable and make sure that it is not damaged.
High and low ph and redox alarms (EES Pro only)
9.8.1 pH HIGH
This message is displayed when the pH value measured by the pH sensor is greater than 8.5 (
NB: this
warning will not stop injection of acid by the acid dosing pump
If no previous event explains this situation, try to resolve the problem by carrying out the following steps
in the order indicated (if the problem is not resolved by one step, proceed with the next):
Make sure that the pH set point is correct.
Check that there is enough acid in the buffer tank
Check that the acid dosing pump motor is working and that acid is being expelled (stop the pump, disconnect
the injection tube from the injector, put the tip into an empty container and restart the pump)
Verify the accuracy of the pH sensor by measuring the pH of the pool water using a recently calibrated
photometer that measures pH. If there is a difference of more than 0.2 pH units, calibrate the pH sensor
and check again.
If the values measured by EES and the photometer correspond, and the pH is above 8.5, adjust the pH
back to the set point by adding acid and wait to see if this phenomenon reoccurs.