Watch the fan wheel of the drive mo tor (400) and de ter mine the
di rec tion of ro ta tion just be fore the fan wheel stops
If the ro ta tion of the fan wheel must be chan ged:
Switch any two of the drive mo tor wi res in the ter mi nal box
Connecting Lines/Pipes
In case the suc tion line is equip ped with a shut-off valve:
Con nect the suc tion line
Con nect the dis charge line
Instal la tion wi thout dis charge line:
Make sure that the gas dis charge (b,153) is open
Make sure that all pro vi ded co vers, guards, ho ods etc. are moun -
Make sure that co o ling air in lets and ou tlets are not co ve red or
obs truc ted and that the co o ling air flow is not af fec ted ad ver se ly in
any other way
Filling Oil
In case the va cuum pump was trea ted with conser va tion oil:
Drain the re main ders of conser va tion oil and top up oil (see
“Main te nance/Oil and Oil Fil ter Change”)
The va cuum pump is ship ped wi thout oil.
Ope ra tion wi thout oil will ruin the va cuum pump in short time.
Prior to com mis sio ning it must be made po si ti ve ly sure that oil is
filled in.
The va cuum pump is de li ve red wi thout oil (oil spe ci fi ca tion see “Oil”).
Only oils ac cor ding to DIN 51506, lu bri ca ting oil group VC must be
used. Using the cor rect lu bri cant has a de ter mi ning on the end pres -
sure (the 0,1 hPa ul ti mate pres sure is ob tai ned with the use of VMH
100 oil type).
The ap pli ca tion of the va cuum pump will de fi nite the oil to be used.
A change of mi ne ral oil by a syn the tic oil needs a spe cial pro ce dure.
If the mi ne ral oil (VM 032, VM 068, VM 100, VMH 100) has to be ex -
chan ged for syn the tic oil (VS 100, VE 101), a spe ci fic pro ce dure must
be ap plied. This pro ce dure is avai lable near all the Busch ser vice
Keep ap proxi ma te ly ac cor ding to the table “Oil” rea dy:
for R 5 0160 - 0202 D ver sions, 5 li tres oil
for R 5 0250 - 0302 D ver sions, 6,5 li tres oil
: The amount gi ven in these ope ra ting ins truc tions is a guide.
The oil sight glass (i,83) in di ca tes the ac tual amount to be fil led in.
Be fore chan ging the oil type, com pa ti bi li ty shall be chec ked and, if
ne ces sa ry, the pump be flushed.
In case the va cuum pump has po ten tial ly been trea ted with conser -
va tion oil.
Syn the tic oils (ex cept for oils ba sed on poly-a-ole fin) are in com pa -
tible with mi ne ral oils and conser va tion oils.
Risk of foa ming lea ding to des truc tion of the vacuum pump.
Fil ling oil through the gas in let (a,260) will re sult in brea kage of the
va nes (n,22) and des truc tion of the va cuum pump.
Oil may be fil led through the oil fill port only (k,88).
Du ring ope ra tion the oil se pa ra tor is fil led with hot, pres su ri sed oil
Risk of in ju ry from hot oil mist with open oil fill port.
Risk of in ju ry if a lo o se ly in ser ted oil fill plug is ejec ted.
Re move the oil fill plug only if the va cuum pump is stop ped.
The va cuum pump must only be ope ra ted with the oil fill plug firmly
Re move the oil fill plug (k,88)
Fil ling oil ac cor ding to the va lues set in the table “Oil”
Make sure that the le vel is bet ween the MIN and the MAX-mar -
kings of the oil sight glass (i,83)
Make sure that the seal ring (89) is in ser ted into the oil sight
glass(k,88)and un da ma ged, re place if ne ces sa ry
Firm ly rein sert the oil sight glass (k,88) to ge ther with the seal ring
: Star ting the va cuum pump with cold oil is made ea sier when at
this very mo ment the suc tion line is nei ther clo sed nor co ve red with a
rub ber mat.
Switch on the va cuum pump
In case the suc tion line is equip ped with a shut-off valve:
Close the shut-off valve
In case the suc tion line is not equip ped with a shut-off valve:
Co ver the suc tion connec tion with a piece of rub ber mat
Let the va cuum pump run for a few mi nu tes
Shut down the va cuum pump and wait a few mi nu tes
Make sure that the le vel is bet ween the MIN and the MAX-mar -
kings of the oil sight glass (i,83)
In case the le vel has fal len be low the MIN-mar king of the oil sight
Top-up oil
In case the suc tion line is equip ped with a shut-off valve:
Open the shut-off valve
In case the suc tion line is not equip ped with a shut-off valve:
Re move the suc tion connec tion with a piece of rub ber mat
Recording of Operational Parameters
As soon as the va cuum pump is ope ra ted un der nor mal ope ra ting
condi tions:
Mea sure the drive mo tor cur rent and re cord it as re fe rence for fu -
ture main te nance and trou bles ho o ting work
Ver sion with ex haust fil ter pres sure gauge
Read the scale of the ex haust fil ter pres sure gauge and re cord
it as re fe rence for fu ture main te nance and trou bles ho o ting
Installation and Commissioning
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Содержание R50160D
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