mo le cu lar thick ness on the pac ked good and by its elec tro-che mi cal
pro per ties ef fec ti ve ly sup pres ses cor ro sion on me tal lic sur fa ces. Ho we -
ver, VCI-pro ducts may at tack the sur fa ces of plas tics and elas to mers.
Seek ad vice from your lo cal pac ka ging dea ler! Busch uses CORTEC VCI
126 R film for the overseas packaging of large equipment.
Wrap the va cuum pump in VCI film
Store the va cuum pump
if pos sible in ori gi nal pac king,
in do ors,
dust free and
vi bra tion free
Re peat the conser va tion pro cess af ter 12 months of im mo bi li za tion
Be fore a new conser va tion pro cess or re-ins tal la tion of the va cuum
pump, make sure that the gas ket, plug or ad he sive tape from the
dis charge connec tion are removed.
Commissioning after conservation
Make sure that the gas ket, plug or ad he sive tape are re mo ved
from the ports
Com mis sion the va cuum pump as des cri bed in the chap ter “Instal -
la tion and Com mis sio ning”
Installation and
Installation prerequisites
In case of non-com pliance with the ins tal la tion pre re qui si tes, par ti -
cu lar ly in case of in suf fi cient co o ling:
Risk of da mage or des truc tion of the va cuum pump and ad joi ning
plant com po nents!
Risk of in ju ry!
The ins tal la tion pre re qui si tes must be complied with.
Make sure that the in te gra tion of the va cuum pump is car ried out
such that the es sen tial sa fe ty re qui re ments of the Ma chine Di rec -
tive 98/37/EC are com plied with (in the res pon si bi li ty of the de si -
gner of the ma chi ne ry into which the va cuum pump is to be
in cor po ra ted; see also the note in the EC-Declaration of
Mounting Position and space
Make sure that the en vi ron ment of the va cuum pump is not po -
ten tial ly ex plo sive
Make sure that the fol lo wing am bient condi tions will be com plied
Ambient tem pe ra ture: see “Oil”
Ambient pres sure: at mos phe ric
Make sure that the en vi ron men tal condi tions com ply with the pro -
tec tion class of the drive mo tor (ac cor ding to the na me plate)
Make sure that the va cuum pump will be pla ced or moun ted ho ri -
zon tal ly
Make sure that the base for pla ce ment / moun ting base is even
Make sure that the va cuum pump can nei ther inad ver ten tly nor in -
ten tio nal ly be step ped on and can not be used as a sup port for hea -
vy objects
Make sure that the va cuum pump can not be hit by fal ling ob jects
Make sure that in or der to war rant a suf fi cient co o ling there will a
clea rance of mi ni mum 0,5 m bet ween the fan hood and near by
Make sure that no tem pe ra ture sen si tive parts (plas tics, wood,
card board, pa per, elec tro nics) will touch the sur face of the va cuum
Make sure that the ins tal la tion space or lo ca tion is ven ted such that
a suf fi cient co o ling of the va cuum pump is war ran ted
Du ring ope ra tion the sur face of the va cuum pump may reach tem -
pe ra tu res of more than 70°C.
Risk of burns!
Make sure that the va cuum pump will not be tou ched inad ver ten -
tly du ring ope ra tion, pro vide a guard if ap pro priate
Make sure that the oil sight glass (i,83) will re main ea si ly ac ces sible
If the oil change is meant to be per for med on lo ca tion:
Make sure that the oil drain port (j,95), the oil fil ter (d,100)
and the oil fill port (k,88) will re main ea si ly ac ces sible
Make sure that enough space will re main for the re mo val and the
rein ser tion of the ex haust fil ter(s) (l,120)
Suction Connection
Intru ding fo reign ob jects or li quids can des troy the va cuum pump.
In case the in let gas can contain dust or other fo reign so lid par ti cles:
Make sure that a sui table fil ter (5 mi cron or less) is ins tal led
ups tream the va cuum pump
Make sure that the suc tion line fits to the suc tion connec tion/gas
in let (a,260) of the va cuum pump
Make sure that the gas will be suc ked through a va cuum-tight
flexible hose or a pipe
In case of using a pipe:
Make sure that the pipe will cause no stress on the va cuum
pump’s connec tion, if ne ces sa ry use bel lows
Make sure that the line size of the suc tion line over the en tire
length is at least as large as the suc tion connec tion/gas in let
(a,260) of the va cuum pump
In case of very long suc tion li nes it is pru dent to use lar ger line si zes in
or der to avoid a loss of ef fi cien cy. Seek ad vice from your Busch re pre -
sen ta tive
If two or more va cuum pumps work on the same suc tion line, if the
vo lume of the va cuum sys tem is large enough to suck back oil or if the
va cuum shall be main tai ned af ter swit ching off the va cuum pump:
Pro vide a ma nual or au to ma tic ope ra ted valve (= non-re turn
valve) in the suc tion line
(the non-re turn valve that is ins tal led in side the suc tion connec tion is
not meant to be used for this pur pose!)
If the va cuum pump is plan ned to be used for the suc tion of gas that
contains li mi ted quan ti ties of conden sable vapour
Pro vide a shut-off valve, a drip-leg and a drain valve in the
suc tion line, so that conden sa tes can be drai ned from the suc -
tion line
Make sure that the suc tion line does not contain fo reign ob jects,
e.g. wel ding sca les
Discharge connection
The fol lo wing gui de li nes for the dis charge line do not ap ply, if the as pi -
ra ted air is dis char ged to the en vi ron ment right at the vacuum pump.
Installation and Commissioning
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