The va cuum pump runs very hot
(the oil sump tem pe ra ture shall not ex ceed
100 °C)
Insuf fi cient air ven ti la tion
Make sure that the co o ling of the va cuum
pump is not im pe ded by dust/dirt
Clean the fan co wlings, fan wheels, ven ti la -
tion screens and co o ling fins
Install the va cuum pump in a nar row space
only if suf fi cient ven ti la tion is en su red
On a va cuum pump with oil-co o ler:
Clean the in ter me diate spa ces of the fin ned
Ambient tem pe ra ture too high
Observe the per mit ted am bient tem pe ra tu res
Tem pe ra ture of the in let gas too high
Observe the per mit ted tem pe ra tu res for the
in let gas
The ex haust fil ter(l) is par tial ly clog ged
Re place the ex haust fil ters (l)
The oil fil ter is par tial ly clog ged
(the oil flows through the by pass only, the oil
does not get fil te red any more)
Re place the oil fil ter (d)
(see “Main te nance”)
Not enough oil in the re ser voir
Top up oil
Oil burnt from over hea ting
Flush the va cuum pump
Re place the oil fil ter (d)
Re place the ex haust fil ters (l)
Fill in new oil
(see “Main te nance”)
In case the oil life is too short: use oil with
bet ter heat re sis tance (see “Oil”) or re tro fit
co o ling
Mains fre quen cy or vol tage out side to le rance
Pro vide a more stable po wer sup ply
In case a mesh screen (h) is ins tal led on the
suc tion connec tion (a):
The mesh screen (h) on the suc tion connec -
tion (a) is par tial ly clog ged
Clean the mesh screen (h)
If clea ning is re qui red too fre quen tly ins tall a
fil ter ups tream
In case an in let air fil ter is ins tal led on the suc -
tion connec tion (a):
The fil ter on the suc tion connec tion (a) is
par tial ly clog ged
Clean or re place the fil ter
Par tial clog ging in the suc tion or dis charge
Re move the clog ging
Long suc tion, dis charge or pres sure line with -
too small dia me ter
Use lar ger dia me ter
The va cuum pump fu mes at the ex haust side
or ex pels oil dro plets through the ou tlet
The oil le vel drops
The ex haust fil ters (l) are not pro per ly sea ted
Check the pro per po si tion of the ex haust fil -
(see “Main te nance”)
The O-rings from the ex haust fil ters are mis -
sing or da ma ged
Add or re place the O-rings
(see “Main te nance”)
The ex haust fil ters (1) show cracks
Re place the ex haust fil ters (l)
(see “Main te nance”)
The ex haust fil ters (1) are clog ged with fo -
reign mat ter
: The sa tu ra tion of the ex haust fil ters -
with oil is no fault and does not im pair the
func tion of the ex haust fil ters! Oil drop ping
down from the ex haust fil ters is re tur ned to
the oil circulation.
Re place the ex haust fil ters (l)
(see “Main te nance”)
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Содержание R50160D
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