Operation Notes
The va cuum pump is de si gned for ope ra tion un der the condi tions
des cri bed be low.
In case of dis re gard risk of da mage or des truc tion of the va cuum
Risk of Inju ry!
The va cuum pump must be ope ra ted un der the condi tions described
The va cuum pump is de si gned for
the suc tion
air and other dry, non-ag gres sive, non-toxic and non-ex plo sive ga -
Con veying me dia with a hig her den si ty than air leads to an in crea sed
ther mal and me cha ni cal load on the va cuum pump and is per mis sible
only af ter prior consul ta tion with Busch
Max. al lo wed tem pe ra ture of the in let gas:
See “Oil, Ambient tem pe ra ture range”
In case the va cuum pump is equip ped with a gas bal last (op tio nal) wa -
ter va pour wi thin the gas flow can be to le ra ted wi thin cer tain li mits
(see “Instal la tion and Com mis sio ning, Ope ra ting No tes, Con veying
Con den sable Va pours”). The conveyance of other va pours shall be
agreed upon with Busch.
The va cuum pump is made for the in ten ded use in po ten tial ly ex plo sive
The va cuum pump is ther mal ly sui table for conti nuous ope ra tion.
The va cuum pump is ul ti mate pres sure pro of.
Du ring ope ra tion the sur face of the va cuum pump may reach tem -
pe ra tu res of more than 70 °C.
Risk of burns!
The va cuum pump shall be pro tec ted against contact du ring
The dis char ged air contains small quan ti ties of va cuum oil.
Staying in va cuum oil conta mi na ted air bears a risk of da mage to
If air is dis char ged into ro oms where per sons stay, suf fi cient ven ti la -
tion must be provided for.
The va cuum pump emits noise of high in ten si ty.
Risk of da mage to the hea ring.
Per sons staying in the vi ci ni ty of a non noise in su la ted va cuum
pump over ex ten ded pe riods shall wear ear protection.
Make sure that all pro vi ded co vers, guards, ho ods etc. are moun -
Make sure that pro tec tive de vi ces will not be di sa bled.
Make sure that co o ling air in lets and ou tlets are not co ve red or
obs truc ted and that the co o ling air flow is not af fec ted ad ver se ly in
any other way
Make sure that the “Instal la tion Pre re qui si tes” (see “Instal la tion
Pre re qui si tes and Com mis sio ning” are com plied with and will re -
main com plied with, par ti cu lar ly that a suf fi cient co o ling will be
Conveying Condensable Steams
Re si dual conden sa tes di lute the oil, de te rio rate its lu bri ca ting pro per -
ties and can cause a jam of the ro tor.
Apply a sui table ope ra ting me thod to make sure that no conden sa -
tes re main in the va cuum pump.
In or der to use the va cuum pump for the conveyance of
conden sable va pours, the va cuum pump must be equip ped with
shut-off valve in the suc tion line and with a gas ballast valve.
The quan ti ty of conden sable steams are in di ca ted in the table “Tech ni -
cal Data”.
Ver sion with gas bal last de vice with ball-cock:
Make sure that the bal last valve (477) is open and will re main
open du ring ope ra tion
Ver sion with gas bal last de vice with so le noid valve:
Make sure that the so le noid valve is clo sed
: In the case of an ope ra tion with a gas bal last de vice with a
so le noid valve, this one opens at the start of the va cuum pump in
star connec tion, this in or der to dis charge the mo tor. With the exis -
ting connec tion bet ween the oil se pa ra tor and the in let flange, the
air flow is as su red.
The so le noid valve is clo sed when the mo tor pas ses in phase del ta
and the va cuum can thus be obtained.
Close the shut-off valve in the suc tion line
Ope rate the va cuum pump with the shut-off valve in the suc tion
line clo sed for ap prox. half an hour, so that the ope ra ting tem pe ra -
ture will rise to ap prox. 75°C
At pro cess start:
Open the shut-off valve in the suc tion line
At pro cess end:
Close the shut-off valve in the suc tion line
Ope rate the va cuum pump for ano ther ap prox. half an hour
In case the va cuum pump conveyed gas that was conta mi na ted
with fo reign ma te rials which are dan ge rous to health, harm ful ma -
te rial can re side in fil ters.
Dan ger to health du ring ins pec tion, clea ning or re pla ce ment of fil -
Dan ger to the en vi ron ment.
Per so nal pro tec tive equip ment must be worn du ring the han dling
of conta mi na ted fil ters.
Con ta mi na ted fil ters are spe cial waste and must be dis po sed of se -
pa ra te ly in compliance with applicable regulations
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