sis tance shall be as ses sed on the ba sis of the drive mo tor current
Make sure that the va cuum pump is run ning
Ver sion with fil ter pres sure gauge:
Check that the in di ca tion of the fil ter pres sure gauge is in the
usual range (< 0,6 bar)
Ver sion wi thout fil ter pres sure gauge:
Check that the drive mo tor cur rent drawn is in the usual range
(see na me plate)
Check that the dis charge air is free from oil
: The dis charge air will also contain oil if the va cuum pump is
ope ra ted wi thout in ter rup tion for too long a pe riod (see “Ope ra tion
the in di ca tion of the fil ter pres sure gauge is in the red field, (> 0,6 bar)
the drive mo tor (400) draws too much cur rent and/or the pump flow
rate has drop ped,
then the ex haust fil ters (l,120) are clog ged and must be re pla ced.
: Exhaust fil ters can not be clea ned suc cess ful ly. Clog ged ex haust
fil ters must be re pla ced with new ones.
the fil ter pres sure gauge in di ca tes a lo wer pres sure than usual,
the drive mo tor draws less cur rent than usual,
the ex haust fil ters (l,120) can be clog ged and must be re pla ced.
If the dis charge air contains oil,
the ex haust fil ters (l, 120) can be clog ged or bro ken through and, if ap -
pli cable, must be re pla ced.
Change of the exhaust filters
In case the va cuum pump conveyed gas that was conta mi na ted
with fo reign ma te rials which are dan ge rous to health, harm ful ma -
te rial can re side in fil ters.
Dan ger to health du ring ins pec tion, clea ning or re pla ce ment of fil -
Dan ger to the en vi ron ment.
Per so nal pro tec tive equip ment must be worn du ring the han dling
of conta mi na ted fil ters.
Con ta mi na ted fil ters are spe cial waste and must be dis po sed of se -
pa ra te ly in compliance with applicable regulations.
Removing the exhaust filters
Make sure that the va cuum pump is shut down and loc ked against
inad ver tent start up
Prior to dis con nec ting pi pes/li nes make sure that the connec ted pi -
pes/li nes are ven ted to at mos phe ric pressure
Re move the dis charge line, if ne ces sa ry
Re move the dis charge co ver (142) from the oil se pa ra tor
Re move the seal for the se pa ra tor co ver (141), if ne ces sa ry
Re lease the spring ele ments (125) by uns cre wing the screws (126)
and re move them
Re move the ex haust fil ters (l,120) and the o-rings (121)
In the case of a R 5 0160 D or R 5 0202 D ver sion:
The ex haust fil ters are two
In the case of a R 5 0250 D or R 5 0302 D ver sion:
The ex haust fil ters are three
Inserting the Exhaust Filters
The non-OEM spa res mar ket of fers ex haust fil ters that are geo me -
tri cal ly com pa tible with Busch-va cuum pumps, but do not fea ture
the high re ten tion ca pa ci ty of ge nuine Busch-ex haust fil ters and de -
te rio rate the ser vice life and the ef fi cien cy of the va cuum pump due
to their in crea sed back pres sure.
Increa sed risk of da mage to health.
Adverse ef fect on ef fi cien cy and ser vice life.
In or der to keep the emis sion on the lo west pos sible le vel and to
pre serve ef fi cien cy and ser vice life only genuine Busch-exhaust
filters shall be used.
Insert the new ex haust fil ters with the new o-rings into the oil se -
pa ra tor (75). Be sure to fit the ex haust fil ters as in di ca ted by the ar -
row at ex haust filters
Mount spring ele ments (125) and ap ply a ten sion to the spring ele -
ments by means of the screw of ten sion (126)
Check the co ver seal (141) and re place it if ne ces sa ry
Mount the dis charge co ver
: Du ring ope ra tion the ex haust fil ters get sa tu ra ted with oil. It is
the re fore nor mal that the oil le vel will drop sligh tly af ter re pla ce ment of
the ex haust filters.
Gas ballast
Check the gas bal last in let re gu lar ly. If the gas bal last doesn’t work cor -
rec tly, di sas semble it, clean it and blow it with com pres sed air.
Inlet flange
Check the in let flange re gu lar ly. The main te nance in ter val of the in let
flange de pends on the ap pli ca tion.
To clean the mesh screen (h,261) at the in let:
Re move the up per parts of the in let flange
Re move the flange
Re move the mesh screen (h,261) and clean it with com pres sed air
Check the dif fe rent seals and re place them if ne ces sa ry
Mount the mesh screen and the in let flange
Fan cover
Check the fan co ver re gu lar ly. A bad main te nance of the fan co ver will
af fect the va cuum pump co o ling and may lead to over hea ting of the
va cuum pump.
Motor cover
Check the mo tor co ver re gu lar ly. A bad main te nance of the mo tor co -
ver will af fect the va cuum pump co o ling and may lead to over hea ting
of the vacuum pump.
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