Pack contents
Logano plus SB615 - Technical specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Pack contents
Boiler mounted on pallet
Supply manifold, packaged with
hydronic control package
Technical documents, attached to boiler heat exchang-
Spare gasket, attached to boiler heat exchanger
Boiler jacket panels and installation components, pack-
aged in a wooden crate and cardboard. The assembly
components are located in Pack A
Controller with wiring diagram and operating instruc-
tions for electronic control of boiler and heating system,
packed in box (optional)
Neutralizer unit, packed in box
(special-order option)
Hydronic control package, consisting of aquastat, low
water cut-off, relief valve and temperature pressure
gauge (when ordered from Buderus)
Some of the accessories supplied as standard may not be
required for all boiler models.