Vivo 40 clinician’s manual
Doc. 003886 En-Us A-1e
Audible Signal Pause and Reactivation
Alarm Reset
An alarm will automatically be reset once the cause of the alarm has been cor-
• Audible signals: indicates the priority of the active alarm condition.
– High priority: 3 signals followed by 2 more. The signal sequence is repeated
after a 0.5 seconds pause.
– Medium priority: 3 signals only, with a lower frequency than the high priority
alarm. The signal sequence is repeated after a 6 seconds pause.
– Function failure. Same signal as the high priority alarm or a constant signal,
depending on the kind of function failure.
The audible signal can be paused by
pressing the Audio Pause button. If
the ventilator still registers the same
alarm after 60 seconds, and the Audio
Pause button was pressed, the audible
signal will sound again.
Once the audible signal has been paused, it can be reactivated by pressing the
Audio Pause button again for 2 seconds.
If a new alarm condition occur during the silence period, the audible signal will
be reactivated.
To ensure the timely detection of any new alarm condition, never leave a
patient unattended while the audible signal is paused.
If an alarm condition cannot be corrected, discontinue use and refer the
Vivo 40 for service.