Portofino America
rev. 5 - 08/2004
Automatic washing cycle of the groups
Prepare the group as follows:
1) Unhook the filterholder from the group (part.A fig.C) and replace the brewing filter (part.B fig.C) with the blind filter (part.C fig.C).
2) Put the recommended quantity of detergent into the blind filter (part.D fig.C).
3) Hook the filterholder into the group (part.E fig.D).
The access into the cleaning status is the same as the access into the programming status, i.e. pressing STOP ( part.5 fig.B) and contemoraneously
CONT (part.1 fig.B); without releasing STOP, press again CONT and then press 1 LONG COFFEE (part.3 fig.B). At this stage the machine will
begin the cleaning cycle, that lasts about 3 minutes.
The cleaning cycle is split up as follows:
30 seconds running, 5 seconds pause, all reeated 5 times. The whole length of the cleaning is signalized by the blinking of the yellow
programming-LED (part.4 fig.B).
Fig. D
Fig. C
Fig. E
The operator must now rinse the groups.The procedure is similar to the cleaning. Unhook the filterholders (part.F fig.E) and replace the blind filter
(part.G fig.E) with the brewing filter (partH fig.E). Hook the filterholder (part.E fig.D) into the group.
Press again the CONT key (part.1 fig.B) and press then 1 LONG COFFEE (part.3 fig.B) (on every key-pad). The machine will repeat the same
cycle as for the cleaning. At the end of the cycle press STOP on all key-pads.
Fault signalling
The delivery of each group has a time limit which, if reached, causes the group to be blocked and the fault to be signalled by the block LED (n°
4 fig. 2). The delivery time limit is fixed at 120 seconds.
In continuous delivery (n° 1 fig. 2), if delivery is not stopped manually using the STOP key within the time limit of 120 sec., the group will block
without any signal.
Should the turbine operate irregularly, the fault will be signalled by the blinking of the block LED (n° 4 fig. 2) on the push-button pad of the group
involved in the fault. In this case delivery is not dosed, but if the operator does not intervene manually with the STOP key, blocking occurs when
the time limit is reached.
The water level control has been fitted with a safety device to prevent flooding. If the water level control solenoid valve remains open for more
than 90 sec., it is automatically switched off and the fault is signalled by the block LED (n° 4) blinking on all the push-button pads.
To restart the machine power must be removed for at least 5 secs. and then restored.