Lenox® Lockers (includes Cubby & “Z” Lockers)
Bradley Corporation • LK-INSTR-001 Rev. K; EN 07-1303
Installation Instructions continued . . .
Step 7b: Optional Locker Flat Top Installation
NOTE: The flat tops are shipped in standard lengths
and can be easily modified during installation. This is
often necessary to overcome a variety of installation
situations. Use a panel saw to cut the flat top sections
to the proper length if necessary.
1. Drill the appropriate number of 3/16" dia.
clearance holes through the top of the installed
lockers equidistant from locker front to back (see
Figure 7d).
• Locker screw hole requirements: flat tops less
than 18" long, two holes; 18"–35" long, three;
36"–45" long, four; 72" long, six.
IMPORTANT: To prevent injury, make sure the
radiused edge of the flat top is facing the front
of the lockers, and the sharp edge is facing the
back of the lockers.
2. Starting at the corner and working
outward, secure the flat top to the
locker with the #8 x 1-1/8" Lg. screws
(provided by installer) (see Figure 7e).
Do not overtighten screws.
NOTE: If desired, caulk the gap in the back
edge of the flat top where it meets the wall.
3. Measure, modify and install the
remaining flat tops for a custom fit.
Figure 7d
Figure 7e
NOTE: Start at the corner
and work outward as shown.
NOTE: Drill holes
equidistant from
locker front to back.
2" x 2" CORNER
(supplied by installer).
Make sure the edge of the
flat top with the radius is
facing the front of the
lockers as shown.