5 Operation
Operating Manual ARC 400
5.8.2. Bipolar resection
This bipolar mode is used in gynecology and urology for cutting under saline. ARC
control technology generates the cutting effect with simultaneously minimized
output power. ARC Control facilitates immediate cutting and prevents electrode
Make sure that NaCl is used as an irrigation medium.
Secure a continuous irrigation during the application.
Always use conductive lubricants to avoid damages of the urethra.
Avoid continuous activations.
Application areas
Hysteroscopy, transurethral prostate resection (TUR-P), surgical treatment of
bladder tumors (TUR-B), vaporization of prostate tissue (TUR-VAP).
Suitable instruments
Resectoscope (bipolar)
Resection sling
Rollerblade electrode
Optimum results are provided exclusively when using BOWA COMFORT
resection cables.
5.8.3. Bipolar scissors
This mode is used with bipolar scissors. It can be used for coagulation before or
during cutting, point coagulation, coagulation of cuts and surface coagulation.
Application areas
Preparation, coagulation and cutting of tissue
Suitable instruments
Bipolar scissors
Bipolar scissors should only be operated with the current type bipolar
scissors cutting or bipolar scissors coagulation.