Possible Cause(s)
Corrective Action
Pump will not run
1. Power off
1. Turn power on or call power com pa ny
2. Blown fuse or tripped breaker
2. Replace fuse or reset circuit break er
3. Faulty pressure switch
3. Replace switch
4. Motor overload tripped
4. Let cool. Overload will au to mat i cal ly re set
5. Low line voltage
5. Contact an electrician
Motor hums but will not run
1. Line voltage does not match selector switch 1. Check voltage
2. Wiring too small
2. Rewire
3. Damage or misalignment causing rotating
parts to bind
3. Replace or take to service shop for re pair
4. Low line voltage
4. Contact an electrician
Overload trips
1. Low line voltage
1. Contact an electrician
2. Damage or misalignment causing rotating
parts to bind
2. Take to motor repair shop or locate and repair
mechanical binding
3. High surrounding temperature
3. Provide a shaded, well-ventilated area for pump
4. Rapid cycling
4. See “Pump starts and stops too often” sec tion
5. Inadequate wiring
5. Rewire
Pump runs but delivers little or no water
Check prime before looking for
other causes. Unscrew priming plug and
see if water is in priming hole.
1. Water level below pump intake
1. Lower suction pipe further into well
2. Control valve open too far (deep well)
2. Adjust control valve or repeat priming
3. Discharge not vented while priming
3. Open faucet, repeat priming pro ce dure
4. Leaking in piping on well side of pump
4. Repair piping as needed
5. Well screen or inlet strainer clogged
5. Clean or replace as necessary
6. Clogged nozzle (deep well)
6. Pull jet and clear obstruction
7. Air volume control diaphragm ruptured
7. Replace air volume control (See Page 6)
8. Foot valve may be clogged or stuck closed 8. Clean or replace as needed
9. Pump not fully primed
9. Continue priming, paus ing ev ery 5 min utes to
cool pump body. Refill pump as need ed
10. Control valve completely closed (deep well) 10. Adjust control valve per deep well prim ing
procedure (see page 7)
11. Water level below maximum lift spec i fi ca
11. Select applicable pump and/or jet as sem bly
12. Undersized piping
12. Replace as needed
13. Gaseous well
13. Install baffle on pump intake to pre vent gas from
entering system
14. Distorted venturi
14. Inspect and replace
15. Incorrect jet for application
15. Purchase a jet matched to your sys tem when
replacing another brand pump
16. Undersized pump
16. Increase horsepower of pump
17. Pump cavitates, (sounds like pumping
17. Increase suction plumbing diameter or decrease
pipe friction
18. Low line voltage
18. Contact an electrician
Pump starts and stops too of ten
1. Water logged tank (conventional tank)
1. See waterlogged conventional tank on page 7
2. Air volume control tubing kinked or clogged 2. Clean or replace as needed
3. Air volume control tubing connected to
wrong opening on pump
3. Move to correct pump opening
4. Incorrect tank pre-charge (pre-charged
4. Add or release air as needed
5. Ruptured diaphragm/bladder (pre-charged
5. Replace tank
6. Leak in house piping
6. Locate and repair leak
7. Foot valve or check valve stuck open
7. Remove and replace
8. Motor overload tripping
8. See overload trips section
9. Faulty pressure switch
9. Replace switch
CJW Series