Input email information and then click Save, it is to set/change email address.
Check the box to enable unlock pattern and then click
, click Save to change unlock
Set security question
Step 1
Click Security question, enter the following interface.
Step 2
Input answers and then click Save button.
After successfully set security questions, you can answer the security questions to
reset admin password.
Select security questions from the dropdown list and then input the proper answers,
click Delete button to reset security questions and answers again.
Change password
Check the Modify password box, you can change password. Please input old password, and
then input new password twice to confirm.
Password/confirm password: The password ranges from 8 to 32 digitals. It can contain letters,
numbers and special characters (excluding “'”,“"”,“;”,“:”,“&”) . The password shall contain at least
two categories. Usually we recommend the strong password.
STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED-For your device own safety, please create a
strong password of your own choosing. We also recommend you change your
password periodically especially in the high security system.