There are four record types: regular, motion detection (MD), Alarm, MD & alarm.
Anti-dither: Here you can set anti-dither time. The value ranges from 5 to 600s. The anti-dither
time refers to the alarm signal lasts time. It can be seem as the alarm signal activation stays such
as the buzzer, tour, PTZ activation, snapshot, channel record. The stay time here does not include
the latch time. During the alarm process, the alarm signal can begin an anti-dither time if system
detects the local alarm again. The screen prompt, alarm upload, email and etc will not be
activated. For example, if you set the anti-dither time as 10 second, you can see the each
activation may last 10s if the local alarm is activated. During the process, if system detects
another local alarm signal at the fifth second, the buzzer, tour, PTZ
activation, snapshot, record
channel will begin another 10s while the screen prompt, alarm upload, email will not be
activated again. After 10s, if system detects another alarm signal, it can generate an alarm since
the anti-dither time is out.
Sensitivity: System supports 6 levels. The sixth level has the highest sensitivity.
Alarm output: when an alarm occurs, system enables peripheral alarm devices.
Latch: when motion detection complete, system auto delays detecting for a specified time. The
value ranges from 1-300(Unit: second)
Show message: System can pop up a message to alarm you in the local host screen if you
enabled this function.
Alarm upload: System can upload the alarm signal to the network (including alarm
center) if you enabled current function.
Send email: System can send out email to alert you when an alarm occurs.
Record channel: System auto activates motion detection channel(s) to record once an alarm
occurs. Please make sure you have set MD record in Schedule interface(Main Menu->Setting-
>Schedule) and schedule record in manual record interface(Main Menu->Advanced->Manual
PTZ activation: Here you can set PTZ movement when an alarm occurs. Such as go to preset, tour
&pattern when there is an alarm. Click “select” button, you can see an interface is shown bellow.
Record Delay: System can delay the record for specified time after alarm ended. The value ranges
from 10s to 300s.