Capture and Playback
VITC Reader A Frame - Reverse 3:2 Pulldown
This option decodes the VITC and uses it to correctly locate the A-frame when performing reverse 3:2
pulldown while capturing video at 23.98fps. Carefully set the correct A-frame VITC reference to match the
timecode on tape. Selecting the wrong A-frame will generate incorrect presentation of fields and frames.
Preserving Blanking Data or VANC
This feature lets you use up to 3 video lines at the top of a captured movie file to store any 3 lines from
vertical blanking. This allows 3 line timecode, VITC (vertical interval test signals) subtitle info or any other
VANC data to be preserved during capture. These lines are then inserted back into the video blanking when
the file is played back.
To preserve VANC data, select the VANC and 3:2 Pulldown tab and tick the On check box for video line
1, 2 or 3 depending on how many blanking lines you want to capture.
Video file line 1 needs to be enabled for lines 2 and 3 to work.
Because these lines can be passed to the application, a developer could write software to read the VANC
data and use it for various purposes, e.g. 3-line timecode and audio chasing, or other uses.
An example of VANC data is 3-line timecode, which uses lines 18, 19, and 20 in NTSC or lines 19, 20 and
21 in PAL. 3-line timecode, as used in AATON
equipped telecine suites, featuring audio timecode and
keycode information along with the normal timecode numbers.
The Processing tab contains settings which allow you to
Set the A-Frame VITC Reference when performing 3:2 pulldown
and also for capturing VANC data