The BITZER Ammonia Compressor Packs (ACP) can be delivered with the BITZER ACP LINK. The system
consists of the main ACP LINK panel with HMI and individual electronic modules for the main components.
The ACP LINK handles all necessary protection and operation of the components on the ACP including the
interaction with the plant where it is part of.
This document describes the BITZER ACP LINK: installation, setup and software update, configuration,
parametrization and daily operation. The document also gives an overview of the different functions that the
system handles.
Also observe the following technical documents
SB-600 Operating instructions – Ammonia Compressor Packs (ACP) – with open screw compressors
ST-150 Technical Information – Compressor Module for Screw Compressors – CM-SW-01
ACP wiring diagrams: “ACP 85 3C_Link.pdf“, “ACP 85 2C_Link.pdf“, “ACP 95 3C_Link.pdf“, “ACP 95
2C_Link.pdf“, “ACP 85 3C no eco_Link.pdf”, “ACP 85 2C no eco_Link.pdf”, “ACP 95 3C no eco_Link.pdf”,
“ACP 95 2C no eco_Link.pdf”, “Starter _panel_Standard_Link_M172 Controller.pdf”
The BITZER Ammonia Compressor Packs have been built in accordance with state-of-the-art methods and
current regulations. Particular importance was placed on user safety.
The notes given in the Operating Instructions SB-600 must be followed in addition to this Technical
Always keep all Instructions in the vicinity of the refrigeration system during the whole lifetime of the ACP.
Authorized staff
All work done on the compressors, variable speed drives (VSD), electronic accessories and on the
refrigeration systems may only
be performed by qualified and authorized personnel who have been trained
and instructed accordingly. The local regulations and guidelines will apply with respect to the qualification and
expertise of the specialists.
Residual risks
Compressors and electronic accessories may present unavoidable residual risks. This is why any person
working on this device must carefully read this document.
The following regulations are mandatory:
The relevant safety regulations and standards,
General accepted safety rules,
EU directives,
National regulations.
Example standards: EN378, EN60204, EN60335, EN ISO14120, ISO5149, IEC60204, IEC60335, ASHRAE
15, NEC, UL-standards
Safety references
Safety references are instructions intended to prevent hazards. Safety references must be stringently