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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
If no measurement for current person was made in last 60 minutes, assume
the file is going to be associated with next measurement session
Else the user will be asked whether to (a) associate with previous, (b) leave
unassociated or (c) associate with next measurement
If "Previous session" is chosen the file is moved to previous session folder.
However, if that measurement is older than 10 minutes, the software gives
the warning and possibility to cancel the choice
If "Next session" is chosen the file is left to person data folder (primary
location) and will be moved to session folder at the end of next measurement
session where data has been saved
Only Data writer (plug-in) generated session folders taken into
account, i.e. impedance file is not transferred to session folders
generated by Response monitor.
At application exit the warning is shown if there are any unassociated impedance
files that were created during the application run time
By choosing Yes the explorer window is opened to the affected person data