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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
3. Prepare measurement by using the protocol with settings 40 ch, sampling
frequency 20 kHz. Run measurement at least 10 minutes.
4. Stop measurement.
5. Start NeurOne Manager.
Press configure icon of Tesla amplifier/EXG Amplifier and press Calibrate…
7. Amplifier calibration window shows the list of available Amplifier calibration
files (*.hbc). For new calibration press New HBC button.
8. New calibration file to be used in calibration pops up on the list.
Check Advanced… checkbox.
10. Current calibration values Offset DC, Gain DC, Offset AC and Gain AC for all
channels of the calibration file are shown.
11. Press Select all button to select all channels for calibration or select desired