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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
: additional set of controls for response monitor
Latency (% of max):
Trigger level for latency calculation
Seek latency after (ms):
Stimulus artifact ignore time
Latency markers:
On/off selection: If set shows latency markers in the response
view (View selection = default).
Labels (L):
On/off selection: Shows the labels of the channels.
On/off selection: Shows grid of the drawing area.
Show all:
Sets baseline visible for all channels.
Hide all:
Removes baseline from all channels.
Enable all
: Auto-align enabled for all response curves.
Disable all
: Auto-align disabled for all response curves.
Calculate from (ms) [ nn ]
: Definition of start time
for align level
calculation. Minus sign of nn indicates time before stimulus trigger.
Start time is limited by pre-stim time of response monitor.
Calculate to (ms) [ mm ]
: Definition of end time
for align level
calculation. Minus sign of mm indicates time before stimulus trigger.
End time is limited by post-stim time of response monitor.
In response monitor Auto-align now operates on average response
only if it's visible. Otherwise single response is used.
Positive up (all curves):
Positive values above the 0 line.
Positive down (all curves):
Positive values below the 0 line.