V Series
User Manual
pg. 28
5400430 Rev A
Use high-speed suction as required to maintain a clear field of vision during treatment. Do not
use the EPIC V-Series if you cannot clearly see the treatment site.
Plume Removal
Special care must be taken to prevent infection from the laser plume generated by vaporization
of virally or bacterially infected tissue. Ensure that appropriate protective equipment (including
high-speed suction to remove the plume, appropriately filtered masks, and other protective
equipment) is used at all times during the laser procedure.
Clinical Use
Use your clinical judgment to determine all aspects of treatment including, but not limited to, the
laser treatment protocol, technique, power settings, pulse duration and interval settings, mode
of operation as well as the accessories (
, tip type) and other procedural requirements.
Closely observe and monitor clinical effects and use your judgment to determine clinical
parameters and approach for the treatment. Make appropriate power, pulse length, and interval
adjustments to compensate for varying tissue compositions, density, and thickness. Always start
treatment at the lowest power setting for that specific indication and increase as required.
BIOLASE assumes no responsibility for parameters, techniques, methods or results.
Only licensed professionals who have reviewed and understood this User Manual should use
this device. BIOLASE assumes no responsibility for parameters, techniques, methods, or
results. Physicians must use their own clinical judgment and professionalism in determining all
aspects of treatment, technique, proper power settings, interval, duration, etc.