The compost mass is too wet:
• Make sure that you are using bulking material suitable for a
• Make sure that you have used enough Biolan Bulking Material.
• Temporarily increase the amount of bulking material until the
compost mass is no longer too wet.
• Remove the wettest part of the compost mass from the bot-
tom of the composter. Add a couple of shovelfuls of Biolan
Bulking Agent to the bottom of the composter through the un-
loading door. Compact the mass from the top and mix plenty
of Biolan Bulking Agent in it.
• In future, make sure that the compost mass does not get too
The compost mass is too dry:
• Use warm water to wet the mass.
• Remove the excessively dry waste from the bottom of the
composter, wet it and place it back into the composter.
• In future, make sure that the compost mass remains moist
7.4 Compost mass freezes over
• Act before the compost mass completely freezes over. If the
composter is full, unload some of the mass also in the winter-
• Prevent freezing by using the composter (= loading and un-
loading it) to keep the micro-organisms active. See Chapters
5 and 5.1–5.4.
• Make sure that the composter is always fairly full in the win-
tertime; only unload small quantities of compost mass at a
• Pay attention to how moist the compost mass is: wet compost
mass will freeze up more easily (see Chapter 7.3).
• Use plenty of Biolan Bulking Agent in the wintertime. You can
add a starter agent to the surface layer to promote the com-
posting process. Cover it with a layer of bulking agent.
• Pile some snow around the composter to keep it warmer.
• Warm the compost mass by, for example, placing a ten-litre
canister filled with hot water inside the top layer and replac-
ing the water sufficiently often.
7.5 Compost mass is too dense
• Add plenty of Biolan Bulking Agent. Mix the bulking agent into
the compost mass.
• In future, use more of the bulking agent and make sure not to
create dense layers of grass, root vegetable peels, leaves, etc.
when loading the composter.
7.6 Flies or fly larvae in the composter
If the mass is too wet, there is a chance that the compost con-
tains flies. Fly larvae are white worms with a black head. They are
approximately one centimetre in length. Also see Chapter 7.3.
• Add plenty of Biolan Bulking Agent, mix it into the compost
mass and use more of the bulking agent in future.
• Mix the topmost part of the compost mass into the rest of
the mass. Fly larvae will die when the temperature reaches ap-
• Add a layer of approximately 2 cm of the bulking agent on top.
In future, make sure that any meat and fish scraps, in particu-
lar, are properly covered.
• Carefully flush the inner walls and lid of the composter with
hot water to destroy any eggs and larvae.
• You can also spray pesticide containing pyrethrin as the ac-
tive ingredient in the compost to prevent flies. Contact your
garden supply store for advice on how to select a suitable
7.7 Ants in the composter
The composter includes food and a good environment for ants,
which means that it is difficult to keep them away. Ants usually
like to make their home in the compost mass at the bottom of
the composter that is cooling down. The ants will not harm the
composting process.
• Make sure that the compost mass is not too dry.
• Unloading small amounts of the compost mass regularly will
stop the ants from becoming too comfortable in their sur-
7.8 Mould in the composter
Mould is one of the decomposers in a composter, and the pres-
ence of mould in a composter is normal.
• Do not remove the mould.
• Continue using the composter normally.
7.9 Fungi in the composter
Fungi digest wood in the compost mass, such as the rough part
of the bulking material, and the presence of fungi in a composter
is normal.
• Leave the fungi alone: they will disappear on their own.
• Continue using the composter normally.
Product disposal
The materials that the product is made of are indicated in the
parts list (p. 4). Dispose of each part appropriately. Always follow
the regional and collection-point specific instructions.
Waste-to-energy collection or plastics
EPDM = ethylene propylene
PE = polyethylene
PP = polypropylene
EPP = Expanded polypropylene
Energy waste collection:
PU = polyurethane
Metal recycling:
RST = stainless steel
Waste paper collection:
Biolan Biowaste Composter has a warranty of one (1) year.
1. The warranty is valid from the date of purchase and covers
any material defects in materials and workmanship. The
warranty does not cover any indirect damage.
2. Biolan Oy reserves the right to either repair or replace
damaged parts at its discretion.
3. Any damage resulting from careless or forcible handling of
the device, failure to observe the operating instructions, or
normal wear and tear are not covered by this warranty.
For warranty-related matters, please consult Biolan Oy directly.