Setting the display language
You can choo se in which langua ge the dis play is to ap pe ar.
Start as fol lows:
Con fi gu ra ti on
Dis play
Au dio
Press the ar row keys to see the langua ges that are avai la ble.
Press the soft key next to the cho sen langua ge. The dis play is im -
me di ate ly swit ched to the cho sen language.
Which language?
System telephone display
21 cha rac ters per line.
Ar row: Ot her menu items can be ac ces sed using the ar row keys.
Ans we ring ma chi ne but ton on sys tem te le pho ne (op tio nal
Ar row: In for ma ti on on soft key that can be pres sed in the cur -
rent menu.
A cross »
« be hind a dis play text in di ca tes that this per for man ce fea tu re is enabled.
The sys tem te le pho ne has a 7-line dis play with bac kground lighting. Bac kground lighting is swit ched on or off au to -
ma ti cal ly.
Af ter con nec ting to the in ter nal S/U con nec ti on, the PABX shows the date and time on the dis play. Both the date and
time are au to ma ti cal ly co pied from the PABX. The ot her li nes al ways con tain the text dis play ed for a functi on next to
the cor re spon ding soft key. If you press the soft key, the next le vel is then dis play ed. If not all of the cha rac ters can be
shown in the dis play, this is in di ca ted by »
« or »
«. To view the ot her cha rac ters, press the R key and then the
corresponding arrow key.
Va ri ous dis plays for the sys tem te le pho ne are in clu ded in this user gui de to help ex plain the set tings and ope ra ti on. If
only a few li nes of the dis play are shown (the dis play is not shown with all 7 li nes), this is in di ca ted by a wavy line at
the top or bottom.
Special feature when showing lists in the display
Mul tip le en tries are shown si mul ta ne ous ly in the dis play for cer tain set tings or ope ra tions. The se lists are re qui red,
for ex am ple, for set tings in the pho ne book or in the VIP memory.
Sys tem te le pho ne set tings
Setting the display language
09.03.05 07:00
Info -D-I-q-
Tel. Drctry
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Содержание elmeg CS410
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Страница 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
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