Che cking costs
You can ob tain de tails on ac cu mu la ted call costs on your sys tem te le pho ne. You can only use this functi on if the per -
for man ce fea tu re is ac ti vat ed for your ISDN con nec ti on by the network operator.
Con sult your net work ope ra tor to find out what op tions are avai la ble for trans mit ting cost in for ma ti on. Plea se note
that the trans fer of all cost in for ma ti on from the ex chan ge to your sys tem te le pho ne is no lon ger pos si ble for tech ni -
cal rea sons. Any pri ce re duc tions re cei ved, spe ci al ta riffs used and spe ci al fea tu res may lead to de via tions bet ween
the data sa ved in the sys tem te le pho ne and the data stated on the telephone bill.
Procedure for transmitting cost information
The re are va ri ous pro ce du res for trans mit ting cost in for ma ti on. The same pro ce du re is nor mal ly al ways ap plied to a
con nec tor. This pro ce du re is au to ma ti cal ly re cog ni sed by the sys tem te le pho ne and is saved for future use.
If the trans mis si on of cost in for ma ti on du ring a pro ce du re oc curs that is not sa ved in the sys tem te le pho ne, then
Wrong char
ge type
« is shown in the dis play.
In this case de le te all of the cost in for ma ti on sto red in the sys tem te le pho ne (see also: Vie wing/de le ting to tal costs).
Re co gni ti on and sa ving of the pro ce du re used to trans mit cost information is then re-activated.
You can set up the ta riff fac tor and de no mi na ti on via the PC con fi gu ra ti on of the sys tem telephone.
Viewing and deleting costs
Cannot be configured using the system telephone on the elmeg hybird!
If you have pro tec ted con fi gu ra ti on of the sys tem te le pho ne with a PIN (see page 75), cost ac counts can only be de le -
ted using the PIN. Af ter pres sing the »
de le te?
« soft key, you must then en ter the PIN of the sys tem te le pho ne. You
can also de le te the call costs via the Pro fes sio nal Configurator.
View/delete costs of last call
Start as fol lows:
Char ge
The cost of the last call is dis play ed. If you want to de le te the se
costs, press the »
de le te?
« soft key.
Last conn::
0,18 EUR
Last conn.
View/delete total costs
Start as fol lows:
Char ge
To tal
You can view the to tal cost for all call num bers (MS). If you want
to de le te the se costs, press the »
de le te?
« soft key.
1,55 EUR
Last conn.
Viewing and deleting costs
Che cking costs
Содержание elmeg CS410
Страница 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Страница 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
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Страница 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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