Sys tem menu
Cannot be configured using the system telephone on the elmeg hybird.
The sys tem te le pho ne is rea dy for con nec ti on to the in ter nal S/U / IP con nec tor of the PABXs. The se PABX pro vi de a
spe ci al menu with pro per ties that are ty pi cal of the sys tem. This menu and the per for man ce fea tu res it con tains are
ma na ged entirely in the PABX.
The des crip ti on of the menu and the per for man ce fea tu re that is avai la ble in this menu can be found in the
user gui de for your PABX.
Connection to a PABX
This per for man ce fea tu re is nor mal ly set in the PABX. If this is not pos si ble, the set ting can also be made on the te le -
pho ne. An AKZ must be en te red first in or der to do this.
Start as fol lows:
Con fi gu ra ti on
Tel. drctry
External line
Numb. length
Ty pe ID
PABX ty pe (soft key »
Ty pe-ID
Ty pe 0: The PABX do es not trans mit a di al ling code for in co ming
calls. The di al ling code must be en te red in the sys tem te le pho ne.
Ty pe 1: The PABX trans mits a di al ling code for in co ming calls.
No di al ling code must be en te red in the system telephone.
Tel. drctry:
This set ting de ter mi nes whet her the PABX te le pho ne book or the
te le pho ne book of the sys tem te le pho ne is cal led when pres sing
the »Te le pho ne book« softkey.
Softkey selects pabx
phone directory?
Numb. length:
Ma xi mum length of in ter nal num bers that are al lo ca ted to ot her
ex ten sions in the PABX.
PABX number length
Ex ter nal li ne:
Di al ling code of the PABX
For ex ter nal calls the di al ling code is en te red au to ma ti cal ly be fo re
the cal led party’s number.
Input external line
Sys tem menu
Function keys when connecting to a elmeg hybird or PABX
Содержание elmeg CS410
Страница 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Страница 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
Страница 138: ...132...
Страница 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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