Ba sic sys tem te le pho ne set tings
Name of sys tem te le pho ne mat ches se ri al num ber of sys tem te le pho ne.
Dis play langua ge: Ger man
Coun try-spe ci fic set tings: Ger man
No num bers (MSN) sa ved.
Call me lo dy vo lu me: Le vel 3, call me lo dy: Num ber 1; no for war ding or call di ver si on num bers, no
MSN name, MSN cost ac count de ac ti vat ed, MSN PIN: 0000, MSN not blo cked for dialling
No en tries in the cal ler/mes sa ge list and the re di al list.
No en tries in pho ne book or in VIP me mo ry.
Functi on keys not pro gram med (speed dial, functions, ma cros).
10 call me lo dies sa ved. 10 free me mo ry slots for ot her me lo dies.
No UUS1 text mes sa ges sa ved.
Text mes sa ges can be re cei ved from in ter nal (PABX) and ex ter nal sen ders.
No au to ma tic sen ding of text mes sa ge with a call.
Do not dis turb is swit ched off.
Dis play con trast: Le vel 4
Loud spea ker vo lu me: Le vel 4 Re cei ver vo lu me: Le vel 2
Ac knowled ge ment and er ror to nes ac ti ve
Ap point ment call vo lu me: Le vel 3
At ten ti on tone vo lu me for do not dis turb: Le vel 3
Wai ting tone vo lu me: Le vel 3, wai ting tone re try ac ti vat ed
No out put of au dio sig nals via the au dio-out con nec tor
The call num ber is trans mit ted for in co ming and out going con nec tions (CLIP / COLP).
Dis play for te le pho ne num ber and costs set up. The call du ra ti on is dis play ed if no cost in for ma ti -
on is available.
In for ma ti on is dis play ed at the end of the call (e.g. du ra ti on)
Cost in for ma ti on: Ta riff 0.062 and cur ren cy EUR
Call wai ting de ac ti vat ed.
Ap point ments de ac ti vat ed. No ap point ment in for ma ti on sa ved.
Date: 11.11.02 / Time: 11:11
Time for au to ma tic call pick-up: im me di ate ly
He ad set use not set up. He ad set type: De fault
Di al ling sta tus du ring a con nec ti on: Tone di al ling (MFC)
Mi cro pho ne swit ched off af ter di al ling with re cei ver re pla ced.
Call fil ter de ac ti vat ed, no fil ter num ber sa ved.
Au to ma tic di rect di al ling de ac ti vat ed, no speed dial num bers saved.
Sys tem te le pho ne PIN: 0000
Dial con trol de ac ti vat ed, no blac klist/whi te list num bers saved.
Installing the program from the CD-ROM
Ba sic sys tem te le pho ne set tings
Содержание elmeg CS410
Страница 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Страница 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
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Страница 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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