if the calls for MSN-10 are only sig nal led on the ans we ring ma chi ne. A mes sa ge about the call ap -
pe ars in the display.
if the »lis ten« functi on can not be used for call for »MSN-10« and the call can not be trans fer red.
if the re mo te ope ra ti on of the ans we ring ma chi ne is ac ti vat ed au to ma ti cal ly for »MSN-10«. The
ot her te le pho ne can then lis ten to or de le te messages remotely.
if the mes sa ges for »MSN-10« can not be play ed back when the ans we ring ma chi ne is ope ra ted re -
mo te ly.
if the ans we ring ma chi ne is only swit ched off when the voi ce mail box for MSN-10 is not re qui red.
Ho we ver, in di vi du al MSNs can be dis ab led so that the voi ce mail box for MSN-10 re mains
Enable voicemail box for »MSN-10«
Start as fol lows:
Con fi gu ra ti on
Voi ce mail
En ter the num ber of the te le pho ne which is to use the ans we ring
ma chi ne. E.g.: »
Con firm your en tries with
AnsMc Voice-box
In the menu »
Pro gram MSN-10
« set tings can now only be con fi gu red using the soft keys »
Call num
«, »
« and »
Voi ce mail
«. The MSN-10 is high lighted in the menu with »
«. The ans we ring ma chi ne for
»MSN-10« is set up and ac ti vat ed as des cri bed in the »Ans we ring ma chi ne« sec ti on of the user gui de. In the »
we ring ma chi ne
« - »
Ac ti vat ion
« menu, the re fer en ce »
Voi ce mail
« is dis play ed in place of the name for
Important Information
Joint use of the ans we ring ma chi ne is ba sed on trust. When lis te ning to mes sa ge lo cal ly, it is also pos si ble to list to
mes sa ges on all num ber (MSNs). We the re fo re re com mend sor ting mes sa ges by call num ber (»Calls MSN-sor ted«)
so that you can choo se the cor re spon ding num ber (MSN) of the mes sa ges you would like to hear be fo re listening back
to the messages.
If you have en ab led the ans we ring ma chi ne for »All MSN«, the ot her te le pho ne will no lon ger be able to use the ans -
we ring ma chi ne for »MSN-10«.
The mes sa ges for »MSN-10« can not be play ed back when the ans we ring ma chi ne is ope ra ted re mo te ly (for »MSN-1«
to »MSN-9«). If the code »
« is sent re mo te ly to de le te all mes sa ges, the mes sa ges for »MSN-10« are also de le ted.
If the mes sa ges for »MSN-10« are play ed back re mo te ly, the te le pho ne can not be used for the du ra ti on of re mo te
Use voicemail box from another telephone
The ot her te le pho ne can only use the voi ce mail box with the num ber en te red in the ans we ring ma chi ne pho ne book
as »AM joint user«. Calls for this te le pho ne can be for war ded by call di ver si on or a team call va riant (elmeg PABX) to
the answering machine.
When the re is a new mes sa ge on the ans we ring ma chi ne the ot her te le pho ne is no ti fied by a UUS text message.
If the ot her te le pho ne is a sys tem te le pho ne (e.g. elmeg CS410), you can iden ti fy the sta tus of the ans we ring ma chi ne
from this using the functi on key »Line AM«. Pres sing this key al lows you to ac cept a call and estab lish a con nec ti on to
the ans we ring ma chi ne (e.g. to lis ten to mes sa ges). Car ry ing over calls is only avai la ble in version 6 of the PABX and
Use answering machine through another telephone
Ans we ring ma chi ne
Содержание elmeg CS410
Страница 6: ...Table of contents IV...
Страница 12: ...Description and installation Extensions for the system telephone 6...
Страница 138: ...132...
Страница 145: ...139 Headseton off Auto answer HeadsetEin Aus Aut Rufannahme...
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