12. FlowStar² Controller Software
FlowStar2 LB 514
Please do not use this feature, unless advised by the Berthold
Technologies support.
Message Monitor
The “Message Monitor” is a log function to identify problems. Af-
ter clicking on
opens a monitor program
showing a list of log entries with login information, error codes
This list can be saved as a .trs file by hitting the floppy disk icon.
This file is useful for the Berthold Technologies Support to iden-
tify communication problems and should be sent by email if this
is requested by the suppport.
Communication Monitor
If there are general problems with the instrument communica-
tion (characters get lost etc.) the message monitor can be used
to record the instrument communication. The Monitor opens
when clicking on
This list of commands can be saved as a .trc file by hitting the
floppy disk icon. This file is useful for the Berthold Support to
identify communication problems and should be sent by email if
this is requested by the suppport.