of the title area.
Arrows left/right indicate that scrol-
ling in horizontal direction is possible.
You can, e.g. select pictures one after
another in normal screen.
Body area
Main menu symbol. Press
to enter the
main menu.
Incoming call.
A call is in progress.
There is a call on hold.
A data call is in progress.
A Twig Alert call is in progress.
All voice calls (both lines if ALS, i.e.
Alternate Line Service, is in use) are
diverted to voice mailbox or some other
phone number. The type of service
depends on your network operator.
All voice calls of line1 are diverted to
voice mailbox or some other phone num-
ber. This symbol is used only if the SIM
card has ALS.
All voice calls of line2 are diverted to
voice mailbox or some other phone num-
ber. This symbol is used only if the SIM
card has ALS.
Roaming. The phone is using other than
its own operator´s network. This symbol
can also be shown when roaming in
home country, if the CPHS (Common PCN
Handset Specification) SIM card is used.
Normally most networks cipher calls.
However, some networks may not sup-
port ciphering. If the network connection
becomes unciphered during the call, this
symbol will be shown.
Home zone. Note that the home zone
feature is only available for supported
network operators and it also requires a
suitable SIM card.
Active line1. Shown when the SIM card
has ALS and the line1 is active.
Active line2. Shown when the SIM card
has ALS and the line2 is active. Note that
only one line can be active at the time.
Bluetooth connection is switched on.