Section D. Operating instructions Belarus – 510/512 Operating manual
Starting at low temperatures (+4°
and below)
To avoid damage of the
power gear, do not push or pull the
tractor to start the engine by towing.
Never use ether means to aid engine
start with an electric torch pre-heater
installed. Application of ether can re-
sult in an explosion of the intake man-
ifold and severe injuries.
steady, use winter-grade oils in the
engine crankcase, gearbox and hy-
draulic system according to the rec-
ommendations in this Manual.
Keep the batteries fully charged.
Use clean, without water winter-
grade diesel fuel.
To avoid failures, every day drain
sediment from the coarse fuel filter
and fuel tanks.
Refill the fuel tanks at
the end of each working day to pre-
vent condensation in the tanks.
When starting the engine at low
temperatures, a circulation pre-heater
can be used for a cooling system
filled with antifreeze agent. Contact
your dealer for more details on pre-
heater installation.
Procedure of starting the engine at
low temperatures:
1. Turn off the drive of the hydraulic
system oil pump to reduce re-
sistance to crankshaft rotation.
2. Perform the actions 1 to 9 as indi-
cated in the Section “Start under
normal conditions”.