Beer Grill AG
Beer Grill GmbH
Allmendstrasse 7
Tel. +41 (0)56 618 7800
Körnerstrasse 14 a
Tel. +49 (0)71 61 659 876
– 5612 Villmergen
Fax +41 (0)56 618 7849
– 79539 Lörrach
Fax +49 (0)71 61 659 879
Page 17
2. On the next page you have to choose whether you want to work with a water bowl or a
drying tray. The dishes suggested by the system or defined by the user are displayed
(first choice with a green tray) and saved with their ideal settings. Press on the desired
3. The water must be poured into the bowl after you select the water bowl. Fill the water
bowls with water up to the marker, approx. 30 mm (indentation on the left and right wall
of the water bowl). Now only use warm and demineralized water. Confirm with the Con-
firmation key (6) when you have filled up the water.