Device Configuration
Access Management – CWMP (TR-069)
BEC MX-210NPV User Manual
CWMP (TR-069)
CWMP, short for CPE WAN Management Protocol, also called TR069 is a Broadband Forum technical
specification entitled CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP). It defines an application layer
protocol for remote management of end-user devices. It defines an application layer protocol for
remote management of end-user devices.
As a bidirectional SOAP/HTTP based protocol it can provides the communication between customer
premises equipment (CPE) and Auto Configuration Server (ACS). It includes both a safe configuration
and the control of other CPE management functions within an integrated framework. In the course of
the booming broadband market, the number of different internet access possibilities grew as well (e.g.
modems, routers, gateways, set-top box, VoIP-phones).At the same time the configuration of this
equipment became more complicated –too complicated for end-users. For this reason, TR-069 was
developed. It provides the possibility of auto configuration of the access types. Using TR-069 the
terminals can get in contact with the Auto Configuration Servers (ACS) and establish the configuration
automatically and let ACS configure CPE automatically.
Select activated to enable CWMP.
ACS Login Information
Enter the ACS server login URL.
User Name:
Specify the ACS User Name for ACS authentication to the connection from CPE.
Enter the ACS server login password.
Connection Request Information