BDDF00001 Issue 5
Alaris™ Syringe Pumps
Configured Options
General Syringe Pump Configurations
Back Off
An automatic feature which is activated following an occlusion . The Pump action reverses and
pumps backwards to release the pressure which has built up in the infusion system, this minimises
the post occlusion bolus .
Display Syringe Brand
Sets whether the syringe brand and size is shown while Pump is infusing .
Manual Bolus
Bolus delivered by manually moving the plunger mechanism during an infusion or while on hold .
Volume infused displayed will be increased accordingly .
Bolus Mode
Bolus feature can be set to one of the following options:
• Disabled
• Hands-On only
• Hands-Free and Hands-On
Bolus Rate Default
The default value for bolus rates .
Bolus Rate Max
The maximum value for bolus rate .
Bolus Volume Max
The maximum permissible bolus volume .
Infusion Rate Max
The maximum value for infusion rate .
Near End of Infusion Point
Sets the Near End Of Infusion warning time, as time left to End Of Infusion .
End of Infusion
Sets the End Of Infusion point, as a percentage of syringe volume .
Sets whether the Keep Vein Open (KVO) at End Of Infusion (EOI) is available .
KVO Rate
Sets the Keep Vein Open (KVO) rate at which the Pump will operate when End of Infusion (EOI) is
reached .
Purge Syringe
Feature which prompts the user to purge the extension set prior to the start of the infusion .
Purge Rate
The rate used during purge operation .
Purge Volume Max
The maximum permissible purge volume .
The maximum value for Volume To Be Infused (VTBI) .
Pressure Maximum
The maximum occlusion pressure alarm value that can be selected during an infusion .
Occlusion Alarm Pressure
The default occlusion pressure alarm value that can be selected during an infusion .
Auto Pressure
Feature to set the occlusion pressure alarm level to an amount (mmHg) above the current in-line
pressure, using a single key press .
Auto Set Pressure
Automatic feature to set the occlusion pressure alarm level to an amount (mmHg) above the current
in-line pressure, 15 minutes after starting the infusion .
Auto Offset
The automatic offset value in mmHg used by auto pressure and auto set pressure .
Pressure Maximum
The maximum occlusion pressure alarm level that can be selected during an infusion .
Occlusion Alarm Pressure
The default occlusion pressure alarm level that can be selected during an infusion .
The approved data set contains configurable option values per profile.