Termination to an internal soil and vent pipe
Set the discharge pipe at a gradient of at least 50 mm per
metre, maximum horizontal length 5 metres.
450 mm is applicable to properties up to 3 storeys..
For multi-storey building installations consult BS 6798.
External termination via internal discharge branch e.g sink
waste - downstream
Set the discharge pipe at a gradient of at least 50 mm per
metre, maximum horizontal length 5 metres.
Pipe must terminate above water level but below
surrounding surface. Cut end at 45°.
It is not recommended to connect upstream of the sink or
other waste water receptacle!
Termination to a drain or gully
Set the discharge pipe at a gradient of at least 50 mm per
metre, maximum horizontal length 5 metres.
Pipe must terminate above water level but below
surrounding surface. Cut end at 45°.
Termination to a purpose made soakaway
Set the discharge pipe at a gradient of at least 50 mm per
metre, maximum horizontal length 5 metres.
Holes in the soak-away must face away from the building.
Further specific requirements for soakaway design are
referred to in BS 6798.
≥ 450
≥ 2.5°
≥ 2.5°
≥ 2.5°
≥ 2.5°
≥ 500
Baxi MainEco Combi and System 24 - 28 - 35 / 18 - 24
5. Installation
02092014 - 7619497-02