Wet the tube end with water and insert tube
straight into fitting until it bottoms out on interior
shoulder and insertion mark is no longer visible.
To remove tubing, push collet toward fitting body
and pull on tubing. To reuse fitting, begin assem-
bly at step one.
Electrical Connections
The NANOpure DIamond comes with two power cords
(120 V and 240 V). Each power cord is supplied with a
set (2) of fuses (attached to each cord).
The NANOpure DIamond is not shipped with fuses
installed in the fuse draw of the power module. Before
connecting the power cord to the power module, install
the proper fuses in the fuse holder. Refer to the figure on
the left.
Fuse Holder
Power Switch
Power Cord
Electrical Connections
Tubing removal