Banner Engineering Corp., 9714 Tenth Ave. No., Minneapolis, MN 55441 • Phone: 763.544.3164 • • [email protected]
WARRANTY: Banner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects for one year.
Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture found
to be defective at the time it is returned to the factory during the warranty period. This warranty does
not cover damage or liability for the improper application of Banner products. This warranty is in lieu
of any other warranty either expressed or implied.
Make no modi
cations to
this product.
Any modifications to this product not expressly
approved by Banner Engineering could void the
user’s authority to operate the product. Contact
the Factory for more information.
All specifications published in this document are subject to change. Banner reserves the right to modify
the specifications of products, prior to their order, without notice.