4 - 4
Recover from a module time-out or operator-initiated stop.
NOTE: Pressing and holding the stop/reset switch provides no addi-
tional functionality over pressing and releasing the switch. To stop
the module, press and release the stop/reset switch. To reset the
module, press the stop/reset switch a second time. If the module
halts due to an error (causing the status LED to turn red), a single
push of the stop/reset switch resets the module.
The MFP module has three operating modes. They are config-
ure, execute, and error. These modes are explained in the fol-
lowing paragraphs.
Configure Mode
Use the configure mode to enter control strategies. The MFP
module receives configuration commands over Controlway or
module bus and changes the data in the NVRAM memory.
NOTE: The process of configuring the MFP module requires infor-
mation from at least two documents. The first document is the
tion Code Applications Manual. This contains all of the
information needed to design a control strategy. The second docu-
ment is the instruction manual for the particular configuration tool
(e.g., CAD/TXT EWS) being used. This instruction manual explains
the steps required to download control strategies into the MFP mod-
ule memory.
Execute Mode
The execute mode is the normal mode of operation. In this
mode, the MFP module communicates with I/O modules and
other control modules. The MFP module also processes excep-
tion reports, configuration messages, and control messages. It
executes control configurations, reads inputs, and updates
Error Mode
The MFP module goes into the error mode whenever the
built-in system diagnostics detect a hardware or configuration
error. If a hardware error is detected, the module halts and dis-
plays the error code using LEDs one through eight. If a NVRAM
memory error is detected, the status LED flashes, but the mod-
ule continues to operate. This is possible because a copy of the
valid configuration is loaded into RAM memory and is executed
from there. The next time the module is reset it will not start
up, but will fail with a NVRAM memory error.