Using on-line configuration in conjunction with redundant
IMMFP12 Multi-Function Processor Modules enables the mak-
ing of configuration changes without affecting the primary MFP
module or interrupting the control process.
In redundant MFP module configurations, the primary MFP
module executes the process control logic while the backup
MFP module tracks the configuration of the primary. Using
on-line configuration, it is possible to remove the backup (or
secondary) MFP module from the tracking mode and make
configuration changes to it without interrupting the process
control operation of the primary MFP module. The MFP module
also supports conventional off-line changes. When the backup
MFP module has been reconfigured, it can assume control of
the process with the new configuration while the original pri-
mary MFP module becomes the backup module.
During start-up of the new configuration in the backup MFP
module, it uses the current values of all process outputs in the
primary MFP module. This feature permits bumpless transfer
of control to the new configuration.
Redundant MFP modules must have two consecutive module
bus or Controlway addresses (n and n+1 where n is the pri-
mary address, n+1 is the backup). Configure both modules of
the redundant pair with the same module bus or Controlway
address. In normal operation each module of the redundant
pair has the same module bus or Controlway address as deter-
mined by the address switch settings. (If the module bus or
Controlway address of the redundant pair is set to four during
normal operation, then automatically the module bus or Con-
trolway address of the backup MFP module is set to five during
on line configuration.)
This appendix provides a step by step procedure for performing
on-line configuration. Use the configuration and tuning mod-
ule, configuration tuning terminal, operator interface station
console, management command system console, or engineer-
ing workstation with appropriate Elsag Bailey configuration
software to accomplish on-line configuration.