Parts & Service
ECA 450
Instruction 0024-9400
Probable Cause & Remedy
“NOXIDE Sensor Error”
appears at bottom of display.
a. Analyzer was turned on with
probe sampling flue gas. Remove
probe from stack and restart.
b. NO sensor not zeroed at start up.
Turn analyzer off and then on to re-
zero all sensors. If error persists,
replace sensor.
“CO-LO Sensor Error”
appears at bottom of display.
a. Analyzer was turned on with
probe sampling flue gas. Remove
probe from stack and restart.
b. CO-LO sensor not zeroed at start
up. Turn analyzer off and then on to
re-zero all sensors. If error persists,
replace sensor.
“CO-HI Sensor Error”
appears at bottom of display.
a. Analyzer was turned on with
probe sampling flue gas. Remove
probe from stack and restart.
b. CO-HI sensor not zeroed at start
up. Turn analyzer off and then on to
re-zero all sensors. If error persists,
replace sensor.
“SO2 Sensor Error”
appears at bottom of display.
a. Analyzer was turned on with
probe sampling flue gas. Remove
probe from stack and restart..
b. SO
sensor not zeroed at start up.
Turn analyzer off and then on to re-
zero all sensors. If error persists,
replace sensor.
“Pressure Sens. Error”
appears at bottom of display.
a. Analyzer was turned on with
probe measuring a pressure is that
was outside the range of ±3 inches
of water (±7.47 mb/hPa, ± 747 Pa).
Ensure probe is sampling
atmospheric pressure and restart.
b. Sensor defective. Return to
Bacharach for replacement.
“Bad Calibration Entry”
appears during calibration.
A calibration value was entered that
is outside the allowable range for
calibration. Apply a calibration gas
concentration or pressure value that
is within the range of the sensor
being calibrated as listed in the
calibration procedure.